Thank you for your wonderful web site. It is complete and very easy to use. I bought a violin a few weeks ago and due to time restraints and travel distance,
I have not been able to find a violin instructor as of yet. I need to locate one close to where I am located. I can’t locate anyone that even knows someone that
plays one, until I stumbled across your web site! You are truly an amazing lady! With all your talent and knowledge, yet you still take time to instruct the
very basics of the instrument. You remind me of my nephew that is in the Marines (F/A-18 Hornet pilot) and he is still approachable and takes the time to answer
all the questions I have. It never made his head swell up. Your teaching methods are perfect for me. I couldn’t hold my violin without slipping off my shoulder.
With your video that problem was corrected in a matter of minutes. I made it up to lesson 19 and still amazed at how easy you make things to understand. I love
the Irish fiddle and hope that some day I may be able to play some reels. I am 60 and with work (up at 3:00AM), volunteering and a brother with cancer, time is
so precious. Thank you for bringing a little sunshine into my life and thank you for sharing your passion of music and the violin.

Jon Bruce