
In this section you will find tools and resources related to music theory, note reading, and rhythm training.

Tips relating to the Fingerboard you will find in the section “Violin Practice”.

Music Theory

Dolmetsch – Music Theory and History Online
A website to develop general music skills; ear training.

Teoria – Music Theory Website
This website offers tutorials on music theory and articles on a variety of musical subjects, including a nice essay on “memorizing”.

Music games and quizzes

Violin and Viola Lessons Connecting Note Reading with Note Placement
by Diane Allen who also wrote the Fingerboard Workbook Series

Suzuki Note Reading for Violin
by Sinichi Suzuki. This is great for people who know the Suzuki songs already.

This website was developed by a group of composers and theory majors from University of Texas. The subscription price is reasonable and I sampled some of the games and quizzes and they are excellent.

Music Theory Minute
Short music theory videos

Learn to Read Music (Softcover)
This is a concise little book with well presented material.

Theta Music Trainer
This is a super interactive music theory site. Have loads of fun!

Basic Music Theory: How to Read, Write, and Understand Written Music

Online Flashcards for learning notes

Music Theory Textbook

Sight Reading

Improve Your Sight-reading! Violin, Grade 1: Grade 1
I’m a huge fan of anything Faber Music Publishes, and the Author Paul Harris is a great violin pedagogue. This is the first of a series of books to help improve sight-reading skills. Buy all of them.

Great sheets for sight-reading!

Apps to improve sight reading can be found in the “Software and Apps” section

Rhythm Study Aids

A Rhythm a Week
This is one of the rhythm training books I grew up with as a kid. Excellent for developing fluid rhythmic skills.

Rhythm Flash Cards

Basics in Rhythm (Meredith Music Resource)
Well organized presentation of rhythmic study sheets.

More Basics in Rhythm (Meredith Music Resource)
This is a level beyond the Basics in Rhythm.

Charts and Worksheets

Scale Construction Cheat Sheet
Make your own moveable chart to easily look up mayor or minor scales. The charts work for mayor and minor keys up to five flats or sharps.