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Hi Beth and All,
I am playing Back Bourree 2nd part, the last song of Suzuki Violin 3rd book. Comments and suggestions for improvement are welcome.

7 Responses
Posted: October 23, 2016
Last Comment: October 29, 2016

Posted: October 29, 2016
Hi Beth,
I am extremely thankful to your video response.
I was aware of the squeezing issue from your video lessons but never knew I was also doing the same.

Beth Blackerby
Posted: October 27, 2016
This discussion includes members-only video content

Jaime - Orlando , Fl
Posted: October 24, 2016
Swaroop! Love the full use of bow, the crisp perpendicular performance of the fingers on the fingerboard! Spot on!... I am not familiar with the song, but it seems at times it felt a little flat on some notes, but the technique, rhythm, bow arm....SUPERB!!! :0)

Beth Blackerby
Posted: October 24, 2016
Nice job, Swaroop!. I think the most important challenge with this piece is to become familiar with he G minor scale. The section with the Eflats and F#s is quite awkward for the hand. The low 4th fingers (E flats) are particularly challenging. See if you can download a G drone and practice the scale:  G, A,Bb, C, D, Eb, F#, G. This is the G harmonic minor scale. You are most often doing just fin with it, but sometimes the placement of your fingers are off. After playing in easier major keys, the hand can easily become a little disoriented when a new tonality enters the scene. Be careful that your 3rd fingers (ring tones) stay solid and that their placements are not influenced by the low 1st fingers.

Elke Meier
Posted: October 23, 2016
Ditto to what the others said and congratulations, Swaroop, on successfully tackling such a challenging piece! I just love how Bach goes back and forth through different keys. But that is also what makes it challenging. And it is special attention to some of these accidentals which in my assessment would now help you polish this piece.

So here are come very detailed comments on notes where I felt the intonation could be improved. I am sorry, my version of this piece does not have the measures numbered, so I just counted myself, starting with the first full measure of the section you played. Here is what I noticed:
Measure 2 (a similar place is measure 20): This is a rather challenging spot. Check the interval between the F-sharp and the E-flat - it looks like two adjacent notes, but in fact the interval between the two is a minor third (one and a half steps apart).
Measure 3
: watch out for the last B in this measure - it should also be a B-flat.
Measure 6: here the E-flat is the dangerous one.
Measure 12-14 would be worth to practice with a tuner. In 12 you need to make sure that the D, C# and B are high enough. They seem low compared to the open string. In 13 you need to watch out for the second B-flat. It seems like your first finger wants to move a bit up after the open A. And then you need two full steps between the B-flat and the D. I have not played much in flat keys, but it seems to me that this long stretch between the low first finger and the third is a real danger. Somehow the hand seems more used to one and a half steps between first and third finger. That could also be the reason of the low D in measure 12: you come from a low first finger on the F in measure 11, and somehow the hand is in something between half position and first position during the next measure.

Happy practicing! I look forward to hearing the whole piece :)

Posted: October 23, 2016
Very well done Swaroop...I applaud you for doing this plus with the metro.

Posted: October 23, 2016
Sounds good
You may want to think about working with dynamics