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Hi Beth, I've been working on the techniques between detache and legato. I remember a previous video that you want to increase the downward pressure of the index finger to maintain an even sound, near the tip of the bow, by tilting the wrist slightly. My question is when using the legato technique at the tip should you, for a split second, release the pressure the index finger and increase the pressure of the pinky to help disguise the change in direction of the bow?

3 Responses
Posted: March 17, 2011
Last Comment: March 18, 2011

Posted: March 18, 2011
Thanks Beth, that does answer my question. I appreciate the time spent in making the video. I was applying my physics background to the tip of the bow. I'll practice, practice, and practice the techniques describeds as well as taping those practices so that I can listen to the intonation more objectively. Cheers, Ray

Beth Blackerby
Posted: March 18, 2011
This discussion includes members-only video content

Hope this helps, Ray. I'm also going to catalog it in the Library.

Beth Blackerby
Posted: March 17, 2011
Why, now that's a video response-worthy question. The wheels are turnin'