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Hi Beth and VLabber :)

Its been such a busy period for me these past couple of months, but i managed to finish the Bach double, after 20+ retries when recording lol finally got a decent video recorded from beginning to end with orchestral part in the background

I really hope you enjoy it, and looking forward to hear your comments and advice on how to make it better 

11 Responses
Posted: January 28, 2018
Last Comment: January 31, 2018

Beth Blackerby
Posted: January 31, 2018
Ayoub, you're phrasing in general is lovely. But this is a piece that is more about the interaction between the two violin parts and doesn't lend itself as well to dynamic contrasts as other pieces. You (and all people) can always do more with creating a musical line that is leading somewhere. In other words add more crescendos as the melodic passages ascend. Then have moments that relax in dynamic. As I said, this piece doesn't have obvious places that beckon for contrasts, but keep doing your best to add more contour to the line. 

However, what you are doing well is that you're sound doesn't either make illogical spikes and drops in dynamic. Sometimes students inadvertently put in subito fortes and pianos because they aren't managing their bow distribution well. You'r dong a great job of managing bow distribution so that you create nice long melodic lines.

Jaime - Orlando , Fl
Posted: January 30, 2018
Ayoub! Youre an inspiration to us all!!! 
Such a delight listening to your amazing performances! 
Thanks again! :0)

Posted: January 30, 2018
Nice job!

Posted: January 30, 2018
Thank you Beth for making a very helpful video response, i didn't notice that i had a rhythmic issue in that part but ill work on, 
as for the lifting quickly i think because i practice a lot of Shradiak at high speeds that it just got stuck like that, but ill be sure to apply the exercise you mentioned 

i just have one question about phrasing, what did you think about it in general, what areas i can improve upon ,any suggestions 

Posted: January 30, 2018
Thank you all for your lovely comments and your encouragements , it mean so much to me :)

Posted: January 29, 2018
Great intonation, bowing and overall sound . Brilliant.

Posted: January 29, 2018
Fantastic playing Ayoub, great video response Beth, thanks!

Beth Blackerby
Posted: January 28, 2018
This discussion includes members-only video content

Bach Double

Posted: January 28, 2018
Ayoub, beautiful playing!  I'm particularly admiring your flexible bow hold, your knuckles/fingers look so relaxed.  Great work, I look forward to this piece in my future-:>.

Posted: January 28, 2018

This is so great!  Nice and clean!

I’m working on the same piece.  I don’t have any advice really.  Keep it up!  I was going to post mine, but between having super sick kiddos and work and being sick myself, I haven’t had time to record it.  It’s funny every time I turn o the camera, I forget how to play!  Haha.  It would take me a ton of tries to get a clean recording haha.

Great great job!

Posted: January 28, 2018
Oh man! That was fantastic! 20 shots at the recording- some things take time, lol. Glad you got it. Thanks for sharing, best of luck...