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Dr. Glen Leupnitz: Why Learning Violin as an Adullt is Great for the Brain

3 Responses
Posted: January 19, 2010
Last Comment: May 31, 2010

Posted: May 31, 2010
clearer link:...

Posted: May 31, 2010 link to article ab out brain training gizmos

Posted: May 30, 2010
fantastic discussion. I recently read that research shows that the comercial brian traing gizmos do not help with improving brain power. But I love the way the violin is singled aout as something that will improve the brain. I started at age 64 last year and it has definitely improved my brain power. I find it hard,but not impossible, to progress. I am delighd that I gave it a "go". AS Beth says I had all the doubts of a late starter but now feel really glad I overcame them. OK I will never be great in the sense of knowing vast amounts about the violin and huge repertoire. But I will have achieved a level which will be satisfying and useful and rewarding. Mike