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This discussion includes members-only video content

Hi everybody!

It took me quite a while to study this whole concertino but I finally managed to perform it on a video. It's not too difficult but it's very long compared to the average Suzuki study.

I wish I would have been able to do a better job (slower and more delicate parts are a bit horrible), but I am quite happy anyway to have been able to play this piece reading the sheet music, while I usually just memorize everything.
I also started to do some timid vibrato on the longer notes, just to try and incorporate it on an actual piece, instead of just practicing it on its own.
Overall I am quite happy about the left hand, I feel it has improved in the last month, while the crooked bowing is a bit disheartening. But I believe one of the reasons is also because I am reading the sheet music, so I pay less attention to where the bow is going (just an excuse I know... :) ).

As always, thanks so much for watching and for all your precious feedback!

8 Responses
Posted: June 7, 2017
Last Comment: August 7, 2017

Posted: August 7, 2017
Thank you so much Beth for the video response! It's wonderful to be able to have a detailed video feedback from you. That has been very useful, I am taking notes of all your suggestions and I will keep those aspects in mind for sure!

Thanks Dianne for your encouragement and suggestions too! I will pay attention to the right-hand thumb now too.
This piece, in particular, has been really helpful for me in improving my reading abilities, since it was impossible for me to memorise it all. So this is actually the first piece where I am actually reading the score while playing.

Sorry Diane, I forgot about your question! Yes, Dianne is right, I am using Pirastro Tonica strings:
(how did you manage to recognize them just from the video!? amazing :) )

Beth Blackerby
Posted: August 6, 2017
This discussion includes members-only video content

Posted: August 4, 2017
I am so sorry I have never replied to this... I had a very busy July! (so not enough time to practice the violin as I should too :( ).
Thanks as always for all your precious feedback and encouragement!

Beth Blackerby
Posted: June 8, 2017
Hi Andrea, great progress, as always! It's like watching someone grow. You see their photos back to back and the changes are easily perceptible. Your right hadn't continues to become more and more relaxed, and I'm impressed with your dynamics and attention to phrasing. I have a few notes that I'd like to include in a video response if I get some time. Our Austin workshop is around the corner, so pop up your post to the top of the page in a week or so and I'll make a response video. Great work!

Jaime - Orlando , Fl
Posted: June 8, 2017
Andrea! Such a wonderful job! I see great posture, excellent rhythm, good use of you tones (volume wise - soft piano to loud forte) is shows you really REALLY are motivated! Congratulations! I hope this post stays up so others can  further comment on it! :0)

Posted: June 8, 2017
Left hand position.
Hi Andrea….wonderful playing.  I noticed that your intonation is a bit flat on some of the notes.  I'm wondering if your left hand position is too low on the neck…..your index finger base joint,  at times,  is below the neck. This would explain your fingers not being up and over the fingerboard so that they could drop down on the stings. You appear to have long fingers…so maybe revisiting Beth's video's on the violin hold and any other video's on playing would be valuable to you.  It's ok to keep that index, base knuckle lightly touching the side of the violin as a reference to help orient the fingers in first position.  No death grip…but a light touch. : >)  See if  bringing the whole left hand up will help with your intonation. Nice sounding violin by the way. What strings are you using?
What a great piece to play…thanks for sharing. : >)
Stay tuned. Diane in SoCal

Posted: June 7, 2017
That was very nice. 

Elke Meier
Posted: June 7, 2017
Congratulations, Andrea! What an achievement! I can so well remember when I played for the first time something that was that long. It is a completely different experience than the Suzuki pieces, isn't it? But so rewarding! And you did really well in this one! Congratulations for your emerging vibrato and even implementing it in a piece! Really well done!